
SELA Partners at Balkan Legal Forum 2024

Panagiotis Drakopoulos, partner from DRAKOPOULOS (Greece), participated as a speaker in the Balkan Legal Forum 2024 held on 6 June – 7 June in Sofia. Panagiotis participated in the session entitled “What skills and competencies does the ‘modern lawyer’ need?”, moderated by Prof. Jörg Menzer, where the audience had the opportunity to delve into the evolving landscape of legal practice. The discussion highlighted the essential skills and competencies required for the modern lawyer, including adaptability, technological proficiency and a client-centred approach.

SELA partners who also attended the conference as a delegates were Igor Aleksandrovski, partner from Apostolska Aleksandrovski & Partners (North Macedonia), Nina Vještica, partner from Dimitrijević & Partners (Bosnia and Herzegovina), and Marija Bojović, partner from BD2P (Serbia).

Balkan Legal Forum 2024 is a conference organized by the IBA European Regional Forum, IBA Law Firm Management Committee and the Legal Development Foundation. It gathers legal experts from across the region, providing a unique opportunity for knowledge exchange, networking, and discussions on the latest trends and challenges in the legal sector.