
SELA partners contributed to the World Bank’s new Report

BD2P’s senior partner Uroš Popović, alongside with AA&P partner Svetlana Trendova and DRP partner Ilya Grozdanov, contributed to the Pilot I of the World Bank’s Business Ready (B-READY) Project – a new and ambitious endeavor to develop a strong private sector to end poverty on a livable planet.

The World Bank Group is implementing a new corporate flagship, B-READY, to measure the business and investment climates in 180 economies worldwide annually. The report assesses the regulatory framework and public services directed at firms, and the efficiency with which regulatory framework and public services are combined in practice.

With data that are comparable across economies and over time, B-READY provides actionable evidence to promote reforms for a stronger private sector.

The first B-READY report will be launched in 2024.*

*Source: The World Bank Group